Protecting and promoting high standards in the practice of English Maritime Law
A selection of links to relevant websites.
Average Adjusters are expert in the law and practice of marine insurance and general average; they provide a professional and independent view on the claims arising from marine casualties.
BIMCO is an independent international shipping association which acts on behalf of its global membership to promote higher standards and greater harmony in regulatory matters.
The British Maritime Law Association was founded in 1908. Its purpose is to promote the study and the advancement of British maritime and mercantile law.
The Chamber of Shipping is the trade association for UK shipping industry, working to promote and protect the interests of its members.
Comité Maritime International is a non-governmental international organization. Its objective is to contribute by all appropriate means and activities to the unification of maritime law in all its aspects.
HMCTS manages the courts of England and Wales including the High Court ( which includes the Commercial and Admiralty Courts) and the Court of Appeal.
The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has 11 member societies which together technically classify more than 90% of the world’s cargo tonnage.
The thirteen principal members of the International Group of P & I Clubs between them provide liability cover (protection and indemnity) for approximately 90% of the world’s ocean going tonnage.
The IMO is the United Nations specialized agency responsible for improving maritime safety and preventing pollution from ships.
International Salvage Union (ISU) member salvors provide essential services for the world's maritime and insurance communities. Members are engaged in marine casualty response, pollution defence, wreck removal, cargo recovery, towage and related activities.
The International Underwriting Association of London (IUA) is the world's largest representative organisation for international and wholesale insurance and reinsurance companies.
Lloyd’s is the world’s leading specialist insurance market, conducting business in over 200 countries and territories worldwide.
The Lloyd’s Salvage Arbitration Branch administers the Lloyd’s form of Salvage Agreement (LOF). Their web pages outline the workings of LOF and give statistics and enable the down load of the LOF wording and associated documents.
Networking for the International Shipping Industry.
One of the main objects of the LMAA is: "to advance and encourage the professional knowledge of London maritime arbitrators and, by recommendation and advice, to assist the expeditious procedure and disposal of disputes".
The Maritime Law Association of the United States (MLA) was founded in 1899. Its formation was prompted by the organization, some three years earlier, of the International Maritime Committee, better known by its name in French, Comité Maritime International.
Maritime London is a not for profit promotional body for UK based companies which provide professional services to the international shipping industry.
The Baltic Exchange is a membership organisation providing independent shipping market information and maintaining professional shipbroking standards.
The ICS and the ISF are the principal international trade association and employers' organisation for merchant ship operators, representing all sectors and trades and about 80% of the world merchant fleet.
LSLC is a specialist centre of excellence for the advancement of shipping law and maritime business.
The scope of the Report does not include the full impact of legal services on the maritime UK sector and further benefits / economic input to the UK. The impact of the Maritime Bar, international earnings for martitime legal companies and arbitration (LMAA or otherwise) may, therefore, be understated.
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